I’m a pretty organized person, but cancer treatment really took me off my game. I struggled to remember the dozens of appointment dates, countless questions for my doctors, and which of my 17 prescription meds I was supposed to take when I was staring at the ceiling at 3 a.m. convinced I was going to die. (Three cheers for Ativan!)
Coordinating all this info was tricky.
My best friend came to the rescue with the best gift ever–a hand-made cancer binder set up with places for me to put all the information I was receiving. Over the course of many months of treatment, I refined it to include everything I needed. Today I’m sharing the tools you’ll need to make a cancer binder just like mine for yourself or someone you love.
(If you want to download my You Can Cancer Planner printable pages to fill the binder, click here.)
A 1.5” binder should be sufficient to start. Any larger, and you’ll dread taking it with you to appointments.
If the binder starts to get full, bulky information can be summarized in a log sheet and then stored in a filing cabinet or scanned and stored digitally. I kept folders on my computer with the same names as my binder divider…
This article was sourced from mamagoesbeyond.com.